Sunday 7 October 2012

Brown Sugar body scrub

Hi, people! How are you guys doing? Is your skin stressing you out?

Taking care of your own skin is never easy. However, do not worry because here in our blog, we teach you how to take care of your skin using affordable ingredients and easy steps.

Today, I'm going to teach you to make your own body scrub. Do you know what are the benefits of using body scrub?

Benefit 1- Exfoliating

Body scrubs are a great way to exfoliate dead skin cells that make your skin look dull.. This paves the way for fresh new cells to regenerate and leaves you looking and feeling fabulous. 

Benefit 2 – Moisturizing Benefits

When dead skin cells are removed through the gentle exfoliating action of a body scrub, moisturizer can be absorbed better. For best results, look for one that contains natural oils such as almond oil which moisturizes as it exfoliates. You can even make your own homemade body scrub like we taught you in our previous post, the banana body scrub and also the brown sugar scrub which we are going to teach you later. 

Benefit 3 – Relaxation

Treating yourself to a body scrub, especially when combined with a massage, is just plain relaxing. Having a body scrub done by a professional allows you to incur the benefit without the mess or stress. 

Now, how to make your own brown sugar scrub:

         -Mint leaves
    -Olive oil
           -Brown sugar

                        First, put some brown sugar and olive oil into a container. 1/3 of olive oil and 1/3 of brown sugar. Stir it.

After that, add one spoon of honey into it.

You can also add some ginger and mint leaves. Ginger helps increase skin's radiance and decrease inflammation such as psoriasis and acne.

Mix It well, and your brown sugar body scrub is done!

                                                    By Goh Si Ying 57461

Egg white mask for blackhead

Blackheads are the most common skin issue for most of the teenagers and usually found on the nose area.  No matter how we clean our face,  blackheads will eventually.  There are few ways to clean your blackheads and the most common one is just squeeze it out.  However, it will only make your pores bigger.  Now I am going to show you all an efficient way to remove your blackheads.  Just need to apply a simple and organic mask on your nose and your problem will be solved.  Try this mask once a week and you will be able to see the result in one month time.  Make sure you apply toner as much as possible after doing the mask.  This will help you to tighten your pores.



1.       A piece of raw egg
       2.       A small piece of tissue

                          Firstly, get an egg and beat it slightly, we ONLY need the white of the egg.

       Gently apply the egg white on your nose
           Then, place the small piece of tissue on it
    Now apply another layer of egg white over the tissue

   Leave it for around 20mintues

                       Now the mask is dry right? So gently peel-off the tissue in an upward
          direction from the face.   Remember to wash your nose and apply toner and moisturizer after
               doing the mask ^_^

By Sim Hwee Chin 57651


Raw eggs hair treatment

Girls, do you always curl and dye your hair? You do right? :P We have to keep doing hair treatments as curling and dyeing hair hurts. So, how do we repair and take care of our hair? Oily hair, dry hair and damaged hair? Let’s heal your hair today by using only ONE natural and cheap ingredient – RAW EGG.

*Use the entire egg for normal hair type; only use egg white for oily hair. As for egg yolks, it has moisturizing purpose, use it to treat dry and damaged hair. The entire egg and yolks-only treatments can be applied once a month; whites-only treatment can be applied every two weeks.

Firstly, prepare a piece of raw egg ( use more if it’s needed )

      Then, stir it evenly

 Gently apply on your hair.  Leave it for about 20 minutes.
        Lastly, wash it with COLD or WARM water, do not use HOT
        water otherwise the egg will be cooked. :P

Keep on doing this simple and cheap hair treatment every month, and I am sure you will realize the miracle of what a piece of raw egg can do to your hair ^_^

By Sim Hwee Yeen 57650

Lips treatment

I always think that lips are the most attractive part in human body especially women, but it’s also the part that people always neglect to take care of. Especially in Malaysia, the weather is terribly hot, some people can't stand it so their lips will "crack",I found out that vaseline is one of the most benefical " lips protector ". So, come, let’s do a simple vaseline lips treatment today! ^_^

It’s as easy as ABC, we just have to prepare 2 things:

  1. Vaseline

                                2. A small piece of cling film



Firstly, apply some Vaseline or petroleum jelly on the lips.
Then, cut a small piece of cling film, make sure it is big enough to cover your lips
Secondly, put the small piece of cling film on your lips.  This will help you to steam your lips so the Vaseline will be well absorbed. Leave it for 15 minutes.  
 Now your lips are moistened and softened. ^_^
* Vaseline- This product is made by 100% pure petroleum jelly, I remembered a friend of mine who is a doctor told me vaseline is effective in healing dry skin and protecting minor cuts. The lips treatment above is actually taught by him too. 
By Sim Hwee Chin 57651


Fruit Salad

The weather is so hot today isn’t it? Let’s make fruit salad right now :D . At first, we have to prepare the ingredients.


 ~ Grape

 ~ Apple

~ Pear

~ Kiwi

           ~ Cucumber

                       ~ Thousand island

Fruits are rich in vitamins, nutrients and a good source of fiber. It can also  prevent constipation. Besides that, fruits can help us to improve our improve our metabolism especially for females. Fruits also may help to improve blood glucose as the glucose can help to improve body energy without lead our body to be fatty. Moreover, the fruits that we are choosing in the fruits salad are very easy to get it in everywhere. Get the benefits from the fruits is better than go to buy vitamin pills to eat. Fruits vitamins are natural and safety. :)

These are the ingredients of the fruit salad.

Now you have to wash all the ingredients first.

Next, you need to cut all the fruits into small pieces

After that, you may prepare a big bowl or other big container.

Now, you may throw everything into the big bowl. Next, you can add some thousand island into the fruits salad and stir it evenly.

You can put it into the refrigerator if you like frozen salad.  

Deddeennggg…… This is the fruit salad.
By Elaine FongYee Ling 57569

Tuesday 2 October 2012

Toner Mask

Have the ladies ever known toner is very important to improve our skin texture.  Toner is a part of our daily skin care routine.  It can help us to tighten our pores and also balance our skin PH.  I always apply toner before the day and night cream because toner makes our skin to have better absorption of moisturizer or essence. Toner can also become essence mask too.  I do toner mask few times a week to keep my skin shine and hydrated.  Now I am going to share the steps on how to make toner mask.


First of all, you need to prepare a bottle of toner.  I am using Hada Labo Super Hyaluronic Acid Moisturizing Lotion. You can easily find it in Watsons or Sasa. It costs RM45.90 per bottle and I think the price is reasonable.
You also need to prepare cotton that can be separated into few thin layers.  I am here to recommend Muji unbleached cotton pads.  This is because their cotton pads are unbleached.  It comes into big cut size and very absorbent.  I think Muji unbleached cotton pads are most suitable for making facial mask.  It is slightly pricey if you compared to those cotton pads that you normally see in Watson and Sasa.  It costs RM16.90 per pack (102 sheets) and you can find Muji shop in Pavillion. 


Pour some toner to cotton pad and make sure it is wet enough.  If you want to save the amount of toner you are going to use, you can always soak your cotton with water first and gently squeeze out excess water with your hands before pouring toner.
Separate your cotton into few thin layers
Stretch it before putting on your face, so your cotton will be big enough to cover your entire face

Put them on your forehead, cheeks, mouth & nose.
Make sure you open up some holes while covering your mouth & nose, or else you will die without oxygen ^_^Leave it on for about 5 to 10minutes.  Gently remove it before your cotton pads are getting dry.  You can feel your skin now is very hydrated and refreshed !!! ^_^

By Sim Hwee Yeen 57650